Sunday, April 20, 2008

Well done Nora, and your timing for starting this blog is perfect.
For me, being green, being sustainable, is about creating sustainability around me and not just my actions. It's my neighbours, my governments, my communities, my fellow citizens of planet earth too.
I've just been to Sydney for a day's work, and I ummed and ahhed and eventually chose to fly there and back (1.5 hours each way) rather than spend 12 hours each way on a train!
I have asked the earth to forgive me and I bought some native grasses to plant on my way home as a gesture.
It wasn't just the time. Our train systems are not much better (maybe 20%.. that's another thing, it's tricky to measure here)cause of the energy they use! What I noticed to take on is to get onto the rail people and enrol them in creating green energy to fuel the trains. They are currently fueled by our grid electricity, which is brown coal fueled. So, I'm gunna ring Countrylink (my interstate rail service) tomorrow and let you know how I go.
PS Earth day is April 22 for those who don't know.

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